Noting a fact is not racist.
Denying facts is reverse racism.
so i use to go this hall that was basically 100 percent white and basically anyone under the age of 40 has either faded or makes a token effort to keep the peace at home, of course outside of the usual dregs of society .
the hall went from two congs to one and i was quite happy that in ten years they would be lights out.
then in the last two years about six young filipino families have moved in and three of them are newly baptized .
Noting a fact is not racist.
Denying facts is reverse racism.
i hear of whole circuit meetings being held, taking all day.
maybe just usual yearly stuff, but it seems the local elders immediately held a followup.
i am sure it will be about better local control, more charity, kindness, that sort of thing.
I have heard a rumor if at keast one congregation being low attendance. Go figure, hall sold ( actually an old one with no parking, so that made sense), but the reassigned one was 30 to 40 minutes of bad traffic away. I joke that they still have a big congregation, just half of them are in gridlock.
If they draw a new line it will devastate my wife as the logicall street for it is between her last true friend and her.
I cant chance telling my specific area
probably not new to many of you but i'm gonna post it anyway!.
i went to a circuit assembly last week at the fremont, ca assembly hall in fremont, ca to be with my wife so she could be there to 'witness' the baptism of a person she "studied" with about 2 decades ago!.
at the main entry to the assembly hall there are 3 or 4 large double door entrances.
I used to have a string of sisters. The boxes were dumped and counted by brothers only. The sisters could straighten bills and sort only. If you have ever been involved with WT money you know that the most honest people on earth cannot be trusted. What i have really observed is a complete honesty by most people, they will not steal given an opportunity
i hear of whole circuit meetings being held, taking all day.
maybe just usual yearly stuff, but it seems the local elders immediately held a followup.
i am sure it will be about better local control, more charity, kindness, that sort of thing.
This was elders only. I know about the special talks and such, everything important could be said in 5 minutes. Now i just wait for someone to post the jist on here.
What raises my curiosity is elders having a local level meeting right away, instead of going to dinner or home. That implies changes coming.
i hear of whole circuit meetings being held, taking all day.
maybe just usual yearly stuff, but it seems the local elders immediately held a followup.
i am sure it will be about better local control, more charity, kindness, that sort of thing.
I hear of whole circuit meetings being held, taking all day. Maybe just usual yearly stuff, but it seems the local elders immediately held a followup. Anyone know?
I am sure it will be about better local control, more charity, kindness, that sort of thing.
Maybe this weeks meetings will shed some light.
after reading this news perhaps the gb(piss be upon them) might cook up an extra donation requirement for armed bros at the khalls; but we all know where most of the money will end up!.
what are your thoughts.. zing.
No guns allowed for self defense. But the doors are locked now. There is a little sign with a crossed out pistol and knife stating no weapons; we see how well gun free zones work lots of times. On the other hand, do you really want some of those bros having a loaded gun?
I always carry a knife, and make sure to put a pistol in the car if i cant wiggle out of an assembly just because.
like since three months ago, my smartphone's data is reaching the 35 gb mark.
never watch movies in it, and beforehand used to be like 5 or 7 gb, any thoughts?.
That mobile data will find things to open, then keep them open, slyly changing settings. You probably got a worm or whatever
is this for real?.
apologies if this has been brought up before..
They will still have a real estate office or several. With an obscure name that wont raise flags. Just like the auction sights, investment wings,......
he has been “impeached “.
will he be convicted in the senate?
is he so “damaged goods” that he is ineffectual?
Since it is likened to the normal courts it is like an indictment investigation that never goes to trial.
I think few admire DT, except for his shaking things up. As for wanting a child to be pres, there used to be ones liked; Eisenhower, truman, Ford, carter. Kennedy. Not everything they did, but as humans. We may have our favorite from history but none could handle this mess
mine is : jws preach that the entire population of the earth has been deceived ..
How many of the 8 million are PIMO? The coercion with family and friends keeps lots of us in the count